10 Feb 2025 General Membership meeting (member's only) 6:30 pm.
13 Feb 2025 Auxiliary Meeting (member's only) 5:30 pm.
Please check out our Events and Activities page and Calendar page for ALL the Post and Auxiliary events.
A new addition to the Jensen Beach VFW Post 10066- 1967Kaiser Jeep M715 (cargo/troop carrier).
Pictures from our Post 10066 donating Toys collected for Toys for Tots.
The U.S. Flag Code says, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Our Post does burn flags and the drop box and donation box is inside the front door near guest sign-in sheet. We appreciate your donations because it takes time and expense to properly burn flags.
Currently our office that is used by the Commander, Vice Commanders, Quarter Master, and other administrative duties is deterriating and has mold in the building. The VFW wants to raise money so they can have a new facility and tear down the old one. If you would like to donate, please click on the Go Fund Me link below, or if you want to pay by cash or check contact one of the current board members at the Post.
Fundraiser for new office building "Go Fund Me" page
Air Force |
Coast Guard |
| 2023 VFW Membership Dues Post Members - $35 (Make Checks payable to: VFW Post 10066)
Auxiliary Members $35 new members & $35 renewals
(Make Checks payable to: VFW Auxiliary)
Mail to: 1805 NE Savannah Rd.
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
The Post Members meet the 2nd Monday at 6:30 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Hall.
The VFW Auxiliary meets the 2nd Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Hall.
Visit us on Facebook at VFW Post10066 & Jensen Beach VFW Auxiliary
Maurice K. Langberg VFW Post 10066, Jensen Beach, FL - Serving the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Martin County, Fl. Military veterans and their spouses, sons and daughters are welcome to be a part of our Post. The letters "VFW" symbolize volunteerism and community service. The VFW mission is to "honor the dead by helping the living" through veterans' service, community service, national security and a strong national defense.
For 120 years, the VFW has been serving America’s troops and veterans, protecting their rights and helping heroes in times of need.
The VFW exists to ensure that our heroes receive the benefits they have earned and deserve. Help that meets the everyday needs of our troops and their families. When our troops are separated from their loved ones, we help connect them. When their homes are in danger of foreclosure, we’re there to assist. And the medical care of America’s finest is always on our mind. Our programs remind the millions of troops, veterans and family members that America is grateful for their service.