10 March 2025- A few notes from VFW General meeting last night.
*The Commander is looking for volunteers this Friday (14 March) to help serve Cornbeef and Cabbage dinners to our guests. Contact the bartender if interested.
*26 April - Flea Market in the Bingo hall 7 am, contact Auxiliary for more details.
*No Bingo on 13 and 20 April.
*23 April- looking to have a theme night, if interested contact House Committee.
*26 May- Memorial Day BBQ, volunteers needed to setup, cook, cleanup. Contact House committee.
*30 Jun- need volunteers to take over Bingo every week, contact Ron Ansara.
* Need volunteers to help with Show me the money on Mondays, and help clean around the post.
*Post Elections 14 April Commander, Senior Vice, Junior Vice, Quarter Master, Chaplin, and some appointed positions. All post members should attend and volunteer for a position that they like or vote for who is running.
13 March 2025- Auxiliary Meeting 5:30 pm, Elections. You wanna make a difference, be involved. Come to the meeting and make the difference.
14 March 2025- St. Patrick's Day dinner (Corned Beef and Cabbage) at 5:30 pm, and live music by Jeff Fereshetian 6-9 pm. Commander is looking for volunteer food servers.
21 March 2025- live music by Tia and Dwayne 6-9 pm.
28 March 2025- Live music by Sound Storm 6=9 pm.
9 April 2025 Dinner Seminar 5PM, With Dignity Memorial, See Calendar
26 April 2025- Flea Market and Bake Sale in the Bingo Hall 7 am, contaxt Auxiliary for details.
26 May 2025- Memorial Day BBQ (volunteers needed to setup, cook, clean). There will be outside entertainment, 50/50 drawing, hamberger, hotdogs, and side dishes. Tiki hut will be open 12- 4 pm.
***Karaoke every Tuesday night with Marie from Soundmates 6:30-9:30 pm. JB VFW
**Show Me the Money every Thursday 6:30-9 pm.
***Noon Bingo is every Friday and Sunday 12-3 pm, doors open at 11 am. NO BINGO 13 and 20 April
Please see monthly calendar for weekly events: